
Monday, January 24, 2011

We have some delicious links . . .

No, sorry, not like those.

No, that's not quite it either . . .

THERE we go. That's what we're talking about!

For some time, the Boulder International Film Festival has shared elements of what we call our Film Lovers' Tool Box -- links to websites we find particularly helpful to the filmgoer, whether he or she is a novice or top-notch expert.

The world of cinema is vast, and there is more content out there about it than you could possibly click through. We've tried to find and post an essential list of links that will give BIFFsters information about the regional, national and international film scenes, including reviews, history, showtimes, resources and more. You will find them to the right of our fresh posts. Enjoy!

And, as always, we can't do it without you. Please post comments with your own suggestions for valuable links we can add to our blog. Look for more linklists as the days progress -- including links to our sponsors and partners, and links to our filmmakers and films. Thank you!

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